@Mr-X said in Edema with water logged lungs / heart atrial fibrillation / pleural fluid around the lungs - approach to fix:


Thanks for all of your help.

Yesterday when I came she was so nervous panicy. She talks all the time that she wants to go home. I can understand after 2 1/2 months in the same room same bed never was outside since then. Couldn’t speak clearly told weird stuff let me first change my clothes before were going home the want to poison me here and so on i was so in shock
She was so nervous, i put out magnoil and ithink i squeezed 25-30 drops on here legs.

What a hell of a transformation in 30 minutes. She was calm was speaking full sentences we looked sport on TV she remembered old players and so on. Eyes where open, we could sit for half an hour on the bed.

Also 3 different nurses said wow she so good today than long time before.

than i put 5 drops of energin on her. One squeeze of Glass pimpette of vitamin d oil

And gave her her multivitamin pill / 125mg thiamine hcl / 150mg benfothiamine

She felt asleep into deep sleep since yesterday she also dont need the oyxgen machine anymore. She got 96% SPo2 oxygen tested on the machine from the nurse. Im so glad because I saw a thread on RPF yesterday how toxic oxygen is for the brain.

I think the most common issues at the moment
she has a little bit of heart valve inflammation also after 6 weeks of antiobiotics IV. COPD was before, the kidneys are weak but its also known long before chronically but was so worst that by the start of the last week she put her on dialysys.

I want to help her for the heart valve inflammation. I think next they will also stop the IV antibiotics. What do you guys think of Vitamin E (TocoVit) for this purpose? Anti estrogen, anti inflammatory, energy promoter.

What she has before hypothyroidism. (only gets t4 so I also thinking givin her 1mcg of t3 to start with maybe next week)
Panic and anxiety shes takin SSNRI Venlafaxin and oxazepam 😞
high blood pressure shes gettin beta blocker and other blood pressure medication.

I let go on the idea of pyrucet

I think today i hold back on the b1 to 125mg and 75mg benfothiamine

I cant give here energin because the nurses saw their yellow stain on her legs 2 days in the row. I wanted to put it on wash it off after 1 hour but they came before unfortunately.

Takeaway from yesterday u can throw all your mag pills away the days before i gave her 450 mag bisglyicinate pills saw not so good improvement. I think the only option to get magnesium into our body is either haiduts magnoil topically with DMSO or magnesium bicarbonate. But thats hard in germany because of lack of milk of magnesia

I'm concerned she started dialysis as doctors don't know squat about acid base balance and it doesn't get better the longer she stays in the hospital the worse and her more acidic her ecf is. The longer the acidic condition holds up, the worse it is for the organs as they calcify, especially the kidneys. the meds are a major cause of it unfortunately.
one day she's being treated for this, and next day it's another it's like playing whack-a-mole except it's not fun. and it's also like a roller coaster of one day she's on a high and the next few days she'll be sleeping endlessly. doctors are used to seeing patients that way and are desensitized to their plight and soon they treat it as normal. They truly have no idea.

But it's not easy going home either because .ost people are so dependent on doctors and they're helpless. And caring for elders is not easy either.

The better ones know more about nutrition from food and can cook.